Statement of Faith

We believe in God the Father,

Creator of everything, Who so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son to be our Saviour.

We believe that Jesus the Saviour was sent by God,

as the promised Messiah, born of a virgin, fully man and fully God.

We believe that every person who accepts Jesus Christ

into their heart as Lord and Saviour is quickened by the Holy Spirit from death to life. The Holy Spirit indwells all those who receive Jesus Christ by faith as Lord and Savior and continuously conforms believers to the image of Jesus Christ.

We believe the death of Jesus Christ on the cross is sufficient

in itself to make atonement for the sin of the world. Salvation is available to all who repent of their sin and believe in Him alone for forgiveness and salvation.

We believe Jesus Christ died on the cross, was buried, and the third day He arose from the dead

guaranteeing the bodily resurrection of all those who have received eternal life through faith in Him.

We believe salvation from judgment, forgiveness of sin and eternal life

are free gifts of God’s grace and cannot be earned, deserved, inherited or bought.

We believe only those who believe in Jesus Christ

and receive Him into their heart as Lord and Saviour will escape eternal judgment and be accepted into heaven.

We believe in the imminent return of Jesus Christ

to this earth to reign in righteousness and justice.

We believe that the Bible is the Word of God,

inspired by the Spirit of God, without error and thus the supreme and final authority for faith and practice.

We believe that daily Bible reading and prayer are as necessary

for the sustenance of spiritual life as food and water are necessary for physical life.

You must be born again

Who is this Jesus? Jesus is life!

He is the Son of the Living God!

If you were to die today,

do you know exactly where you would be going?

Jesus said,

“Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God”

John 3:3

“I am the Resurrection and the life. He who believes in Me, though he may die, he shall live“

John 11:25

“Again He said, “No man comes to the Father except through Me”

John 14:6

“He is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world“

John 1:29

If you will invite Jesus Christ to come into your heart and forgive you of all your sins His Blood will wash you and cleanse you of every iniquity today.

Heaven is a real place. In John 14:1-6 Jesus speaks about the many mansions in His Father’s house where He is going to prepare a place for us. Your eternal destination is based upon one thing alone – THE CHOICE YOU MAKE WHILE ON EARTH.

We are not talking about religion, we are talking about a relationship with Jesus.

In the book of Romans chapter 9 verses 9 to 10 it says “if you acknowledge and confess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and in your heart believe that God raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart a person believes and so is justified, and with the mouth he confesses and confirms [his] salvation.

All you have to do is really BELIEVE and confess and you SHALL be saved.

Pray this prayer right now:

Dear Heavenly Father,
I come to you in prayer asking for the forgiveness of my Sins. I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that Jesus is your Son, And that he died on the Cross at Calvary that I might be forgiven and have Eternal Life in the Kingdom of Heaven. Father, I believe that Jesus rose from the dead and I ask you right now to come in to my life and be my personal Lord and Savior. I repent of my Sins and will Worship you all the day’s of my Life!. Because your word is truth, I confess with my mouth that I am Born Again and Cleansed by the Blood of Jesus!

You are now Born-Again.